Daiwa Scholarships in Japanese Studies 2025

This is a postgraduate Scholarship programme to support the study of Japanese Studies in either Japan or the UK. 

Only British citizens who hold or are completing a degree in Japanese Studies, defined as a course focussing primarily on the study of Japan, and containing a substantial Japanese language component are eligible to apply.

Strong Japanese language ability will be a key selection criterion.

Applicants who hold (or are completing) combined honours courses where Japanese Studies accounts for at least 50% of the course may also apply. 

The Scholarship will cover university fees for the course in question, plus living expenses. Living expenses will be payable at a rate of £1,400 per month for periods spent in the UK, and ¥260,000 per month for periods spent in Japan.

Further Details:

  • Applications from candidates wishing to undertake courses at Japanese universities are particularly welcomed.
  • Scholarships will be awarded to cover the whole period required to attain the degree in question. In cases where the applicant has already begun his or her studies, the Scholarship will fund the whole remaining period required.
  • In the case of a part-time degree, the stipend will be paid at 50%.
  • The Scholarship will cover university fees for the course in question, plus living expenses. Living expenses will be payable at a rate of £1,400 per month for periods spent in the UK, and ¥280,000 per month for periods spent in Japan.
  • Private medical insurance is taken out for those studying in Japan.
  • The Foundation will pay one economy class return air fare between the UK and Japan per Scholar per annum.
  • Continuation of funding will be conditional on satisfactory progress being made. Scholars will be required to submit annual progress reports to the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation.
  • Amounts payable to Scholars in receipt of other funding (e.g., salaries, Great Britain-Sasakawa Foundation, JSPS, Japan Foundation, university scholarships or bursaries) will be reduced by the amount of this other funding.
  • Scholarships will not be granted in arrears.
  • Scholarships will not be awarded to former recipients of Daiwa Scholarships or to the same individual more than once.

Any queries can be referred to scholarships@dajf.org.uk.

Person Specification

Candidates for the Daiwa Scholarships in Japanese Studies must be:

– British citizens

– holders of an Honours degree in Japanese Studies, defined as a course focussing primarily on the study of Japan, and containing a substantial Japanese language component

– enrolled or enrolling in a Japanese Studies-related course in either Japan or the UK. 

-with strong Japanese langauge ability

Scholar Profiles can be found here: https://dajf.org.uk/scholarships/japanese-studies/scholars

How to apply

In addition to completing the application form, applicants are also requested to submit graduation certificate copies, transcripts of courses attended, evidence of their Japanese language proficiency and to arrange for two confidential academic references to reach the Foundation by the application deadline. 

We would also like graduation certificates and transcripts related to previously complete courses.

The Foundation cannot obtain references on candidates’ behalf. They are an essential part of the application process.

This content was provided by an external organisation and does not necessarily represent the views of the University of Cambridge Careers Service. We cannot accept responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in this content.

Daiwa Scholarships 2025 – 19 months in Japan – fully funded: 1 year of language study, 1 month homestay, 6 months of work placement

Daiwa Scholarships 2025 – open to all fields apart from those who have studied Japanese or have a good level of Japanese

The Daiwa Scholarship programme was established in 1991, inspired by the belief that the exchange of people would foster mutual understanding and support the long-term relationship between Britain and Japan. 

Daiwa Scholarships are aimed at future leaders in their fields who will derive personal and professional benefit from obtaining an in-depth experience of Japan. They offer talented British citizens with strong leadership potential, the opportunity to acquire Japanese language skills, and to access expertise and knowledge relevant to their career goals.

The Trustees are looking for those with clear and achievable career aims, who can make a case as to why Japan as opposed to any other country will help them with their career aims. Our Trustees are also looking for those with language learning aptitude and with an interesting angle on / interest in Japan.

Since 1991, 208 graduates from over 60 universities and 50 different subject areas – from engineering to politics and from fine art to law – have completed the programme. 

Competition for places is intense and for 2024 programme the Foundation received applications from close to 130  students and graduates from over 45 different universities. Candidates undergo a thorough three-stage interview process before being selected by the Trustees who are able to offer up to eight Daiwa Scholarships each year.

The Daiwa Scholarship allows for 19 months to be spent in Japan including a year of Japanese language study at a Japanese language institution chosen by the trustees, a 1-month homestay and a 6-month work placement. The selected Daiwa Scholars will undertake a month of Japanese language study in the UK during summer before moving to Japan for the remainder of the Scholarship.

Following the homestay period spent living with a family outside Tokyo, full-time work placements appropriate to each Daiwa Scholar’s career goals are arranged. The Foundation has a wide network of contacts and a reputation for placing Scholars in organisations that rarely accept interns. Previous Daiwa Scholars have been based in government offices, NGOs, universities, think-tanks, hospitals, media companies, architecture practices and law firms.

Former Scholars are now forging careers in architecture, the arts, science, media, law, academia and medicine. They make up a distinctive network of individuals with a shared experience of Japan, and maintain their links with the Foundation and each other through the Daiwa Scholars Alumni Association.

The 208  alumni include James Harding, co-founder of Tortoise Media – formerly Head, BBC News and Current Affairs, Professor Edmund de Waal OBE, ceramicists and author of “The Hare with Amber Eyes”, Dr Carl Randall, artist and winner of the 2012 BP Travel Award at the National Portrait Gallery, Dr Chris Harding, Lecturer in Asian History at the University of Edinburgh and selected a New Generation Thinker 2013 by the AHRC and Radio 3 and Natasha Pulley, author of “The Mars House”, “The Bedlam Stacks” and “The Watchmaker of Filigree Street” and and Dr Becca Voelcker, chosen a New Generation Thinker 2024.







  • Return flight to Japan
  • Accommodation in Tokyo whilst the Scholar is seeking a flat
  • All tuition and examination costs
  • A living allowance for the duration of the Scholarship which is to cover accommodation and living costs for a single person: Yen 280,000 per month (rent is around Yen 80,000 to Yen 100,000 per month)
  • Private medical insurance
  • Support from the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation’s Liaison Office in Tokyo


Candidates must be:

• British citizens 

Candidates should be:

• graduates or due to graduate by the time of departure

• equipped with a strong degree in any subject* or with a strong record of achievement in 

   their field

• in possession of clear career objectives combined with a serious interest in Japan. 

*Graduates in Japanese language studies are not eligible to apply for Daiwa Scholarships but may wish to apply for support through the Foundation’s grant schemes and this other Scholarship opportunity: https://www.dajf.org.uk/scholarships/japanese-studies

Start date/Programme date details

Application Timetable

5 December 2024: Application deadline

February and March 2025: Interviews (There are three interview stages, all held in London)

End of March 2025: Interview results

Late July/August 2025: Japanese language course in the UK

Early September 2025: Departure for Japan 

31 March 2027: End of Programme

More information and application details can be found at www.dajf.org.uk

This content was provided by an external organisation and does not necessarily represent the views of the University of Cambridge Careers Service. We cannot accept responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in this content.

The Student DataViz Challenge is on!

A close up of a logo

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I would like to invite you to take part in the exclusive Student DataViz Challenge hosted in collaboration with UNICEF, Tableau and EDHEC. Data analytics is a vital skill that employers are looking for in today’s workforce. The competition is exclusive to students in European Universities and can help those of you looking to build data analytics skills to boost your employability in consulting, marketing, finance and more.

Find the full competition details here.

What’s in it for you:

  • Meet and learn from other students across Europe
  • Learn how to use data visualization to tell a story and impact decisions
  • Meet other students from all across Europe and compete to win some stunning prizes  (STUDENT DATAVIZ CHALLENGE | EDHEC BUSINESS SCHOOL What can I win?)

How to get involved:

Ask your questions to the competition organisers at datavizchallenge@edhec.edu

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The Goldreed Industrial Design Award (GIDA) is an international event that celebrates exceptional design and its contributions to building a more sustainable and harmonious future for people and the planet. With eight broad categories, GIDA 2024 spans the major areas of design applied to both private and public life, including manufacturing, communication, and technology.

Designers, studios, companies, and public/private institutions of any nationality are invited to participate. Both existing products and original concepts are welcome. A generous prize pool of 4,300,000 CNY (approximately 550,000 Euro) will be awarded to more than 60 outstanding entries, with a first prize of 1,000,000 CNY (approximately 127,000 Euro).


Award pool: 4,300,000 CNY (approximately 550,000 Euro)
Deadline for Submission: 30 June 2024 (24:00 Beijing time)
Participation: Free of charge and open to designers, studios, companies, and public/private institutions of any nationality.


Don’t miss this opportunity to gain international exposure, expand your professional network in the design industry and beyond, and win a substantial cash prize.

📅 Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024 (24:00 Beijing time).

For more information, visit: https://bit.ly/GIDAAward 

This content was provided by an external organisation and does not necessarily represent the views of the University of Cambridge Careers Service. We cannot accept responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in this content.

UBS Stock Pitch Competition

This is a great opportunity for any penultimate year students interested in a career in Asset Management, and keen to grow their understanding of today’s complex investment landscape.

Participants will be challenged with identifying and pitching a stock investment that’ll be more valuable in the future than it is today. This opportunity is more than just a career jumpstart – participants will get the chance to develop a winning pitch, win a cash prize and connect with industry experts in our Asset Management team.

What’s the process?

  • May: Join one of our info sessions to learn more.
  • September: Submit your investment idea.
  • October: Finalists will be invited to the investor competition finals in our London office and compete for a chance to win cash prizes!

Apply now!

Sign up to one of our info sessions

When: Virtual, Zoom


Session 1 – 1 May 2024, 18:00 – 19:30 (GMT)         

Session 2 – 8 May 2024, 18:00 – 19:30 (GMT)

Who: Penultimate year students are eligible to participate

Prizes: 1st place: £2500/ 2nd place: £1000/ 3rd place: £500 …and serious bragging rights!

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Google Europe Students with Disabilities Scholarship


Google’s education and scholarship programs aim to inspire and help students become future leaders in computing and technology by breaking down the barriers that prevent them from entering these fields. As part of our commitment, we’ve partnered with EmployAbility, a nonprofit organization that supports students with disabilities while they pursue education and promising careers, to help university students with disabilities work toward their academic goals in the field of computer science. Selected students will receive a 7,000 EUR award (or local equivalent) for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Who can apply?

To be eligible to apply, applicants must:

  • Have, or consider themselves to have, a visible or invisible disability (see EmployAbility’s approach to disability here)
  • Be currently enrolled as an undergraduate at a university for the 2023-2024 academic year
  • Be accepted as a student in a Bachelor’s program at an accredited university in EMEA for the 2024-2025 academic year
  • Be studying computer science, computer engineering, informatics, or a closely related technical field
  • Demonstrate a strong academic record
  • Demonstrate a passion for computer science and technology

Application process

You will be asked to complete an online application which includes:

  • General background information (e.g. contact information and details about your current and intended universities)
  • Resume/CV
  • Academic transcripts from your current and prior institutions (if you have earned a prior degree)
  • At least one letter of reference from a professor, instructor, adviser or supervisor from your university
  • Responses to questions on passion and technical ability in computer science
  • Recipients will be selected based on the overall strength of their questions and application materials compared to the entire applicant pool

Essay Questions

  1. This first series of questions is all to do with demonstrating your passion for computer science and why you have chosen to study it.
  • Please be as specific as possible, making sure to answer all parts of the questions. You should use examples that demonstrate your passion for computer science. For the last question, you try and think about how you will use the knowledge gained during your studies, and how you foresee yourself developing these skills, following completion of your undergraduate degree.
  • You can make reference to work and academic experiences, achievements and aims in relation to computer science.
    • Part 1 – Why did you first become interested in computer science? (200-300 words)
    • Part 2 – What area of computer science most interests you and what have you done to learn more about it and/or pursue this interest? (200-300 words)
    • Part 3 – What would you like to do with your knowledge of computer science after you have finished your undergraduate degree? (200-300 words)
  1. This final series of questions is an opportunity to demonstrate your talent as a computer scientist. Please use this section to describe one project that you have worked on, either solo or as a major contributor, which best demonstrates your technical abilities and provide any evidence you have to support this.
  • When answering the questions, please make sure to explain all technical terms and processes accordingly.
  • Any evidence to support or to help illustrate your essay (e.g. graphs, diagrams, algorithms, sections of code etc.) can be uploaded in the ‘supporting documents’ section, for all such items please include the name of your evidence in square brackets in the appropriate place in your answer, for example [Mygraph1].
  • You will have space in another part of the application to include links to other projects, code repositories, academic papers, or presentations you have done.
    • Part 1 – Briefly describe your project, including the problem your project or research was trying to solve? (100-150 words)
    • Part 2 – Was this done as part of your university studies, an internship/work experience or was it a personal project?
    • Part 3 – What was your solution for the problem your project or research was trying to solve? (100-150 words)
    • Part 4 – What were the technical problems/ difficulties that you faced? (100-150 words)
    • Part 5 – Was this a solo project or were you working as part of a group. If it was a group project, please state your personal involvement in the project. (50 words)
    • Part 6 – Do you consider this project technically challenging, innovative or both? Briefly explain why. (100-150 words)

Application deadline: Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Terms and conditions

EmployAbility administers the Google Europe Students with Disabilities Scholarship. Please see EmployAbility’s website for complete information on the scholarship.


For further information, questions, or to submit an application, please see EmployAbility’s website.

This content was provided by an external organisation and does not necessarily represent the views of the University of Cambridge Careers Service. We cannot accept responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in this content.

Generation Google Scholarship (EMEA)


The Generation Google Scholarship: for women in computer science was established to help students pursuing computer science degrees excel in technology and become leaders in the field. Selected students will receive a 7,000 EUR award (or local equivalent) for the 2024-2025 academic year. The Generation Google Scholarship: for women in computer science will be awarded based on the strength of each candidate’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, demonstrated leadership, and academic performance.

The program is open to students who meet all the minimum qualifications. We strongly encourage students who identify as women to apply. Past recipients of the following scholarships: Generation Google Scholarship, Generation Google Scholarship: for women in gaming, Generation Google Scholarship: for women in computer science in Ireland, Generation Google Scholarship: for supply chain and fulfillment, Google Lime Scholarship, Google Student Veterans of America Scholarship, Women Techmakers Scholarship for Computer Science, Women Techmakers Scholarship for Gaming, Google Europe Students with Disabilities Scholarship, or Venkat Panchapakesan Scholarships India are not eligible to reapply.

Who can apply?

To be eligible to apply, applicants must:

  • Be currently enrolled as a full-time student in a Bachelors program at an accredited university or college for the 2023-2024 academic year
  • Intend to be enrolled in or accepted as a full-time student in a Bachelors program at an accredited university in Europe, Middle East or Africa for the 2024-2025 academic year
  • Be studying computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related technical field
  • Demonstrate a strong academic record
  • Exemplify leadership and demonstrate passion for improving representation of underrepresented groups in computer science and technology

Application process

You will be asked to complete an online application which includes:

  • General background information (e.g. contact information and details about your current and intended universities)
  • Resume/CV
  • Academic transcripts from your current institution
  • Responses to short answer essay questions

Essay Questions:

The two short answer essay questions below are intended to assess your problem solving skills and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Each response to the two questions below should be 500 words or less.

  1. Tell me about a time when you faced a complex problem without a clear path to a solution. Describe the steps you took to get to the solution in detail. What resources and solutions did you consider? What did you learn from this experience? Keep in mind that this can be a problem you have faced at school, work, extracurricular activities or home.
  2. From your personal experience, describe a barrier that prevents equitable access to the field of technology. What do you believe is the root cause? What actions have you taken to address this inequity and what actions do you plan to take? Please focus at least half of your response on the actions you have taken. Keep in mind that impact can happen in many ways and at different scales.

IMPORTANT: Before starting the application, please have the following ready for upload:

  • PDF copy of your resume (if applicable, please include leadership positions, extracurricular activities, and diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts on your resume)
  • PDF copy of your current or most recent transcript (unofficial is acceptable)

Application deadline: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 or when 500 eligible application responses are received

Terms and conditions

Institute of International Education (IIE) administers the Generation Google Scholarship: for women in computer science scholarship. Please see IIE’s website for complete information on the scholarship.


Questions? Please email generationgoogle-emea@iie.org or visit IIE’s FAQ page.

This content was provided by an external organisation and does not necessarily represent the views of the University of Cambridge Careers Service. We cannot accept responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in this content.

Launching Aldi Early Careers Instagram

Aldi has launched a brand new Instagram focused on graduate and placement opportunities for students! The account is called @AldiEarlyCareersUK.

The page will highlight news about Aldi careers and share tips for students entering the world of work.

To celebrate the launch of the account, Aldi is hosting a competition for one lucky student to win £100.00 worth of vouchers to put towards their next food shop! To enter, participants should follow the page, share this post on their story and tag a friend.

Hurry – the competition ends on Monday 15th April!

This content was provided by an external organisation and does not necessarily represent the views of the University of Cambridge Careers Service. We cannot accept responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in this content.

2024 Bain & Company True North £10,000 Scholarship for Women

Do you enjoy solving problems? Are you curious about Glassdoor’s 2024 Best Place to Work UK?

For over 50 years, Bain & Company has been dedicated to help the world’s most ambitions change makers define the future. We work alongside our clients to achieve extraordinary results, outperform the competition and redefine industries. This commitment has led Bain to consistently top rankings as one of the best firms to work for, including #1 on Glassdoor’s UK Best Places to Work and The Times’ Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality UK.

Everything we do at Bain & Company is guided by True North. For us, True North is our unswerving commitment to always do the right thing by our clients, our people, and our communities. Our Glassdoor #1 ranking is testament to the collective effort of Bainies not only being committed to delivering extraordinary results but equally passionate about shaping a unique culture and experience where everyone can feel challenged, supported, inspired, safe, and welcomed. Bain’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is key to building extraordinary teams.

This summer, we are inviting top candidates to:

  • Gain a unique insight into a career in consulting at Glassdoor’s Best Place to Work 2024
  • Attend a two-dayworkshop where you’ll acquire key career skills and create valuable connections with Bain professionals
  • Have the chance to win the scholarship of £10,000 following interviews!
  • Receive the support of a Bain Buddy before, during and after the workshop
  • Get ahead of the game by interviewing early for the full-time Associate Consultant role!


Applications are open to all penultimate year undergraduate students who identify as women studying at any university in the UK or Ireland, regardless of nationality

We are keen to meet with students of any degree or discipline who are strong academic achievers, with great communication skills and the drive, passion and energy to solve problems and make a difference.


Submit your application here by 11:59 PM (BST), 23rd April 2024. You will need to upload a copy of your CV and complete all application questions prior to final submission. Following the completion of this form, we will send you a link to an online assessment which you will need to sit to complete your application. We will ensure you have all the information ahead of time to familiarise yourself with these assessments.

Find out more on our website!

This content was provided by an external organisation and does not necessarily represent the views of the University of Cambridge Careers Service. We cannot accept responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in this content.

2024 Bain & Company True North £10,000 Scholarship for Black Heritage Students

Do you enjoy solving problems? Are you curious about Glassdoor’s 2024 Best Place to Work UK?

For over 50 years, Bain & Company has been dedicated to help the world’s most ambitions change makers define the future. We work alongside our clients to achieve extraordinary results, outperform the competition and redefine industries. This commitment has led Bain to consistently top rankings as one of the best firms to work for, including #1 on Glassdoor’s UK Best Places to Work and The Times’ Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality UK.

Everything we do at Bain & Company is guided by True North. For us, True North is our unswerving commitment to always do the right thing by our clients, our people, and our communities. Our Glassdoor #1 ranking is testament to the collective effort of Bainies not only being committed to delivering extraordinary results but equally passionate about shaping a unique culture and experience where everyone can feel challenged, supported, inspired, safe, and welcomed. Bain’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is key to building extraordinary teams.

This summer, we are inviting top candidates to:

  • Gain a unique insight into a career in consulting at Glassdoor’s Best Place to Work 2024
  • Attend a two-dayworkshop where you’ll acquire key career skills and create valuable connections with Bain professionals
  • Have the chance to win the scholarship of £10,000 following interviews!
  • Receive the support of a Bain Buddy before, during and after the workshop
  • Get ahead of the game by interviewing early for the full-time Associate Consultant role!


Applications are open to all Black Heritage penultimate year undergraduate students studying in UK & Ireland of any nationality. We are keen to meet with students of any degree or discipline who are strong academic achievers, wth great communication skills and the drive, passion and energy to solve problems and make a difference.


Submit your application here by 11:59 PM (BST), 23rd April 2024. You will need to upload a copy of your CV and complete all application questions prior to final submission. Following the completion of this form, we will send you a link to an online assessment which you will need to sit to complete your application. We will make ensure you have all the information ahead of time to familiarise yourself with these assessments.

Find out more on our website!

This content was provided by an external organisation and does not necessarily represent the views of the University of Cambridge Careers Service. We cannot accept responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in this content.

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